Tuesday 27 December 2011

Christmas Cheer

Bit of a different christmas this year, although Father Christmas still made it to our hotel in Singapore. Spent most of the day in our swimmers relaxing by the roof top pool and instead of mums delicious roast we ate surf and turf by the river at clarke quay. A lovely day made even more special by seeing family on skype back home. Merry christmas!

Friday 23 December 2011


Getting into the backpacker mode now, with only 2 weeks in Malaysia Howard and i got our skates on. Managed to travel from north to south via 10 buses, 2 boats, 2 taxis, 1 scooter and our own 2 feet! Great few weeks. Malaysia is such a varied country, we started in the old town of Malacca, then walked in the Cameron highlands and wandered through tea plantations as far as the eye could see. From highlands to islands we spent some well deserved rest on Langkawi island. Saw fireflies twinkling in the mangroves (just like a christmas tree) in Selangor and ended in Kuala Lumpur to see the well known petronus towers.

Wednesday 7 December 2011


All you need is a big budget and an empty tummy. Shopping is expensive but the food is cheap. Singapore is delicious! Great city to walk around and explore and the cityscape once night falls is a must...a jewel of lights

Monday 28 November 2011

Bali, Indonesia

Great place to hire motorbikes, managed to get lost for the day, not a bad country for this to happen though, beautiful landscape with rice terraces around every bend.

Staying at a hostel in Ubud at the moment, comes with pool and breakfast what more does one need. Markets are a bit of fun although quite an experience with the local Balinese, off to some temples tomorrow. Looking forward to moving onto somewhere with a flushing toilet, after 3 weeks without it will be quite a luxury.

Gilis, Lombok

Just as you'd imagine an island postcard. Hard not to relax in a place like this, water the colour i only dream about, friendly locals and the best banana pancakes around! We were swimming in the sea one day and got slapped in the back by a school of small sardines jumping out of the water...much to everyones amusement! Great times spent on the Gili islands

Swam with more turtles on the Gilis than in my whole life

Friday 4 November 2011

Up up up and away

12 countries, 11 flights...nearly ready for the off! Best pack my bag soon, i'm sure mum is getting fed up with piles of my things everywhere. Well there's been a fair amount of hugging and champagne the last few weeks, has been great seeing family and friends! Thank you to everyone for coming down to Wimborne specially and for all the support. Next stop Bali!

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Head in the clouds

What a weekend we had! Based at a campsite at the foot of Snowdon situated idyllically next to a lake we looked out of our tents to the mountain. Looming above us as we slept, we had no idea quite what would be in store for us as we woke a few hours later...rain and fog set in but that did not stop us, with bacon butties to fuel our adventure we set off. Lovely view as we walked up, filled up water bottles from mountain waterfalls, chatted away merrily. Before we new it it was like a white curtain had been drawn around us, not being able to see far in front we literally ascended crawling on all fours. What a sight eh! Making it upto the famous "knife-edged" Crib Goch certainly has a way of taking your breath away. It certainly lived up to expectations.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Hushabye mountain

After evening shifts at work i appreciate nights off like i've had tonight. fantastic bbq in the garden with my family. good food, peroni and a bit of an argos special of badminton. Followed by very much needed rest!

Fairy tale

Like walking through a rippling sea of blue...if you have any blue bell woods near you go and catch them before they go over. I took Tess the dog here, felt like i was in a fairy tale. Magical place to free your mind.

venturing into the unknown

All the gear but no idea. Thought it was time i joined the blogging generation.