Wednesday 25 May 2011

Head in the clouds

What a weekend we had! Based at a campsite at the foot of Snowdon situated idyllically next to a lake we looked out of our tents to the mountain. Looming above us as we slept, we had no idea quite what would be in store for us as we woke a few hours later...rain and fog set in but that did not stop us, with bacon butties to fuel our adventure we set off. Lovely view as we walked up, filled up water bottles from mountain waterfalls, chatted away merrily. Before we new it it was like a white curtain had been drawn around us, not being able to see far in front we literally ascended crawling on all fours. What a sight eh! Making it upto the famous "knife-edged" Crib Goch certainly has a way of taking your breath away. It certainly lived up to expectations.