Wednesday 18 January 2012


Packed a lot into our 4 days in Sydney. Of course a visit to this city would not be complete without a stroll along the waterfront to see the iconic opera house and bridge. With a ceiling of blue sky above us it really was the most magnificent day, chips in hand and live music on the terrace bars. Spent a day on Bondi beach, great waves crashing over the far rocks and surf to big for our liking. Got up at 6am Sunday morning to attend the 9am service at Hillsong church. With a capacity of 3,500 people and this service being full to the rafters it was a service like I've never seen before! Beautiful walks in the botanical gardens, flying foxes (bats) hanging from all the trees. Lots to do in this city if you take the time to travel around it, we can see why people fall in love with it.

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