Tuesday 24 April 2012

Northern Thailand

Northern Thailand, where locals, businessmen, travelers and monks share the streets...

Times spent in the north was very different to that of the south. With no beaches to spend our days we got on our bicycles and set our exploring the many temples dotted around the cities. It can be unbearably hot walking around at times, with no way of cooling off apart from taking three showers a day (no such luxury of air con or swimming pools), bikes were definitively the way forward. 

In Ayutthaya; one of Thailand's early and most revered kingdoms, we discovered the ruins of ancient Khmer temples from the 14thC hidden amongst the sprawling urban center. We visited the Karen Longneck tribe, immigrants from Burma they now reside in the Thailand's hillsides. Was interesting to see their villages and hear their story. Really enjoyed the north, felt a real sense of culture here where monks are offered food every morning and people pray in the streets. 

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